Introducing the Executive Secretariat

Our team includes experts with extensive experience in pharmaceutical development and marketing, as well as lawyers, patent attorneys, and other specialists. We will support you at your side in the early commercialization of your research and development!

Greeting from the Governor of Toyama Prefecture

Toyama Prefectural Governor
Hachiro Nitta

Toyama Prefecture’s pharmaceutical industry, the central pillar of its core industries, consists of over 300 years of history, tradition, advanced technologies, and its status as a leading production hub in Japan. In this light, as part of the national government’s efforts to foster and maintain human talent in the regions and rectify overconcentration in Tokyo, University of Toyama, Toyama Prefectural University, businesses in the prefecture, and the prefectural government created the Toyama Pharmaceutical Valley Development Consortium in June 2018. This initiative will revitalize local universities and pharmaceutical companies and help foster and maintain human talent in the region. That October, this consortium became one of seven in the whole country to be awarded the Regional University and Industry Grant. The consortium aims to invite top-level talent from around the country and the world, and diligently pursue pharmaceutical research and development at a world-class level. It will proactively help foster and keep specialized human talent by organizing summer schools for students in the Tokyo area as well as organizing talent-developing programs for people to learn about biopharmaceutical manufacturing. Through this consortium, we plan to do our utmost to strengthen the pharmaceutical industry in the prefecture by promoting research, development, and technological progress more than ever, as well as having bright students from Tokyo and all over the country come to study in Toyama for them to become the talent that supports the industry.

Greeting from the Project Manager


My name is Kazuhiko Mori and I began my tenure as Project Manager for the Toyama Pharmaceutical Valley
Development Consortium in January 2020.

I will be contributing to the further development of the consortium by using my lengthy experience in pharmaceutical
affairs administration, having worked with pharmaceutical product approval reviews, safety measures, development talks
for new drugs, and much more at the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

National and international circumstances that impact pharmaceutical products are constantly changing at a rapid pace.
Technological progress is making gene therapy, cancer immunotherapy, genome treatments, and other ground-
breaking treatments a reality. On the other hand, the aging population is increasing the number of people suffering
from lifestyle diseases, cancer, and other illnesses that commonly affect senior citizens. Additionally, in the infectious
disease field, rapidly advancing new infections from drug-resistant bacteria immune to antibiotics or the novel coronavirus continue to cause problems.

With these various problems and issues piling up, it has become more and more important that we develop, improve,
and provide a stable supply of pharmaceutical products to the patients and medical facilities that truly need them.

For many years, the pharmaceutical industry in Toyama has succeeded in its role of ensuring a stable supply of quality
pharmaceutical products. With the goal of establishing international quality standards for pharmaceutical manufacturing,
PIC/s General Assembly being held in Toyama in November 2014 is a testament to the prefecture’s achievements.
Using the consortium’s activities and pooling the power of Toyama’s industry, academia, and government, we hope to implement a model for the creation of a framework for the stable supply and production of pharmaceutical products that will be needed for future medical.

Using the consortium’s activities and pooling the power of Toyama’s industry, academia, and government, we hope to
implement a model for the creation of a framework for the stable supply and production
of pharmaceutical products that will be needed for future medical.

I would like to thank everyone involved in this all-Toyama consortium’s endeavors in advance for their understanding
and cooperation.

Project Manager
Kazuhiko Mori

Introducing the Executive Secretariat

Executive Office

Project Manager

Kazuhiko Mori (Toyama Prefecture)
Business Under Charge

In charge of the entire business of the consortium

Short CV

  • ・Former Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (pharmaceuticals)
  • ・Engaged in approval reviews and safety measures at the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and PMDA
  • ・ Engaged in translational research and clinical development support in industry-academia-government collaboration clusters
  • ・October 2020-Executive Director, Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association


Industry, academia, and government will work together to develop, manufacture, and supply excellent pharmaceuticals that will be needed in future medical care.

Deputy business manager

Shunsuke Mori (Doctor of Pharmacy)
Business Under Charge

Overseeing commercialization strategies for R&D businesses

Short CV

  • ・Engaged in research from basic to applied biopharmaceuticals at the National Cancer Institute in the United States
  • ・Involved in the launch of new businesses such as research and development of biopharmaceuticals at a domestic pharmaceutical company
  • ・After experiencing investment in listed bio-ventures at an investment company, established TM Partners LLC to provide business support for venture capital, bio-ventures, and academia. As part of his work, he was an investment partner of Newton Biocapital for two years. In 2021, he established J-Biosciences Co., Ltd. and started a support business to expand Japanese drug discovery to the world.


I would like to make use of the various experiences I have gained so far and strive to develop this consortium. Through the efforts of this project, we would like to contribute to the creation of local universities and local industries.

Business Management Assistant & Intellectual Property Legal Officer

Tomoko Nakatani (Patent Attorney)
Business Under Charge

  • ・Formulation and promotion of intellectual property strategy
  • ・Intellectual property-related contract (joint research contract, license contract, etc.)

Masako Niino

Business Management Assistant & Business Strategy Officer

Toshinori Mishina
Business Under Charge

・Strategy formulation and execution management of individual research themes with consortium office

Collaboration Coordinator(Toyama Pharmaceutical Association)

Toyohiko Ushijima

Executive Office (Pharmaceutical Policy Division)
Business Under Charge

In charge of overall business of Pharmaceutical Policy Division (Consortium, promotion of pharmaceutical industry, etc.)


We can help!



Ongena Lieve Rita Rene


Masuji Sugata


Hitoshi Takuma (Lawyer)
Business Under Charge

  • ・Giving advice and guidance regarding the overall policy and direction of the consortium
  • ・General legal affairs about confidentiality and joint research


Masaharu Miyazima (Pharmacy Doctor)
Business Under Charge

  • ・Giving advice and guidance regarding the overall policy and direction of the consortium
  • ・Giving advice and guidance for early commercialization of individual research themes
     (Field of expertise: Pharmaceutical development & quality control)

Commercialization Supporter

Commercialization Supporter

Yoshimi Imura (Pharmacy Doctor)
Business Under Charge

Giving advice and guidance for early commercialization of individual research themes
(Field of expertise: Pharmacology research)

Commercialization Supporter

Osamu Sugita (Pharmacy Doctor)
Business Under Charge

  • ・Giving advice and guidance regarding the overall policy and direction of the consortium
  • ・Giving advice and guidance for early commercialization of individual research themes
    (Field of expertise: All non-clinical work (especially
  • biopharmaceuticals and biologics))

Commercialization Supporter

Masayoshi Tutsumi (Master of Agriculture)
Business Under Charge

Giving advice and guidance for early commercialization of individual research themes